DISCLAIMER Access Constraints: The United States Government furnishes these data and the recipient accepts and uses them with the express understanding that the US Government makes no warranties, expressed, or implied concerning the accuracy, completeness, readability, usability or suitability for any particular purpose of the information and the data furnished. The United States shall be under no liability whatsoever to any person by reason of any use made thereof. These data belong to the Government. Therefore the recipient fully agrees not to represent these data to anyone as other than Government provided data. The recipient may not transfer these data to others without also transferring this Disclaimer. The information depicted on these maps represents the results of a survey conducted on the date indicated and can only be considered to represent the general condition existing at that time. Distribution Liability: The data represents the results of data collection/processing for a specific U.S. Army Corps of Engineers activity and indicates the general existing conditions. As such, it is only valid for its intended use, content, time and accuracy specifications. The user is responsible for the results of any of the application of the data for other than its intended purpose. Data Constraints: Hydrographic survey data is subject to change rapidly due to several factors including but not limited to dredging activity and natural shoaling and scouring processes. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepts no responsibility for changes in the hydrographical conditions which develop after the date of publication. This data is intended for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' internal use. Prudent mariners should not rely solely upon it.